Newsletter of Orphan Support Program-OSP

The objective of the Helping Hand for Relief & Development-Orphan Sponsorship Program (HHRD-OSP) is to provide basic support to the eight to fifteen-year-old orphan children of the Rohingya Refugees through different services, training and programs. Under this project various activities have been undertaken like health checkups, eye and other checkups, mental health support program, awareness building campaign, character-building sessions, training on cross-cutting, inclusive education, and training on modern communication skills. Moreover, through operating the activities of the program, the orphans of the Rohingya Refugees are getting food packs, nutrition support, educational materials, including books, pencils, pens and notebooks, hygiene kits, and Eid gifts on a regular basis. The Community, including local administration, is very pleased with the initiative taken by AMAN through this project. As a result, AMAN is getting all kinds of local and administrative support during implementation of the project. Different higher governmental officials visited the various ongoing activities of the project and expressed their satisfaction and gratitude for the great initiative taken by AMAN through the project.


At present, two hundred orphans are getting the benefit of this project, but there are still opportunities to expand these services as a huge number of orphans staying at the Rohingya Refugee Camp are still beyond the support of this project. AMAN has a dream to include all of the orphans of the Rohingya Refugees. At this stage, AMAN needs more funds to include the rest of the orphans of  Rohingya refugee camps.

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Association for Mass Advancement Network (AMAN) is a non-profit development organization established in 1995.

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AMAN is a non-profit development organization engaged in human welfare. Since its inception, the organization has been striving towards poverty alleviation & socio-economic and moral development..

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