AMAN's Commitment to Learning Centers

Welcome to AMAN, where our motto “Enlighten the UNDERPRIVILEGED candle” drives our unwavering dedication to education. With a firm belief in the potential of every child, we are committed to breaking down barriers imposed by socioeconomic conditions. Our goal is to provide equal learning opportunities for all, bridging the gap in educational access to build safe, prosperous, and inclusive communities.

In the Rohingya community, where over 450,000 individuals are under the age of 18, children face significant hardships due to poverty, oppression, trauma, and lack of affection. AMAN recognizes the urgent need to address these challenges. That’s why we’ve launched primary education programs tailored specifically for the Rohingya community. These programs incorporate the Burmese curriculum developed by UNICEF and the Education Sector.

AMAN goes beyond traditional education by introducing a food-based education system. This innovative initiative ensures that Rohingya children receive nutritious meals while attending school, addressing the prevalent issue of malnutrition. Additionally, we pioneer a values-based training and growth development system, blending Eastern and Western education methods to empower these children with essential life skills.

Focusing on the overall development of young children.

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