Water, Sanitation & Hygiene

Healthy Habits, Thriving Communities

Empowering Communities Through Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Advocacy: A Comprehensive Approach for Thriving Communities

An impressive achievement of the program is the installation of 1259 water well projects, ensuring access to clean and safe drinking water for numerous communities. Additionally, the program extends its impact by providing hygienic washroom facilities, contributing to improved sanitation practices.

With the active involvement of Community Mobilizers and Psychosocial Support Workers, the program’s efforts are amplified,

The Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Advocacy Program, under the tagline “Healthy Habits, Thriving Communities,” is dedicated to promoting the importance of safe drinking water, proper water usage, wash practices, sanitation, and hygiene management. Inclusive of menstrual hygiene and adolescent hygiene, the program seeks to empower communities through informative sessions and engaging promotional materials.

reaching and empowering a wide range of communities. Moreover, trained volunteers in 48 districts actively participate in the program at different times throughout the year, enhancing its reach and impact. The Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Advocacy Program fosters healthy habits and creates thriving.

The people with the highest arsenic contamination levels reside in Bangladesh. Only 34.6 percent of people still have the option to consume water that is 100 percent safe. The majority of the world’s arsenic contamination victims reside in Bangladesh. Despite advancements, 1.94 million individuals continue to consume water with arsenic levels exceeding what is acceptable. In addition to this, manganese, chloride, and iron contamination in the water contribute to its low quality as drinking water. More than 41% of people consume water from sources that have facial bacteria in them. In this case, AMAN has taken initiatives to provide wash & hygiene assistance to the poor and underdeveloped people living in remote areas. In this project, AMAN provides Tubewell, Toilet, and Washroom. Also Distributes Hygienic products such as – water filters, toothbrushes, soap, and water purifying tablets, and spread awareness through small meetings in villages.


Safe water and sanitation are very important for public health. Sustainable development is not possible without the development of Public health. AMAN has been working for a long time on public health development, safe water, and sanitation. AMAN has been creating awareness among the people about the importance of safe water and sanitation. Besides awareness development, AMAN is carrying out personal and family follow-up, supply of different sanitation materials, creating different sources of safe water, and the involvement of mass people in these activities with a view to the development of public health conditions. AMAN works with the government and partners to protect the rights of children, especially those who are most vulnerable. It aims to provide safe sanitation and hygiene services in emergencies when children and adolescents are most vulnerable and at risk. The cross-sectoral interventions are aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals. AMAN supports scaling up safe sanitation and hygiene for communities and health, education, and nutrition institutions in urban and rural areas.


  1.  33020 People including children, men, and women got health & sanitation services.
  2. Prevent waterborne diseases.
  3. People of remote areas got water, sanitation, and hygiene service.
  4. The displaced Rohingya people got the proper services.

Future plan

  1. Awareness will be created among the general people and they practicing
  2. The rate of water born disease will be decreased
  3. All people will drink safe drinking water and use the sanitary latrines and health practices are developed
  4. Aware the People of the effect of arsenic.

Aklima Khatun Got Tube Well

Aklima Khatun, 55 years old widowWhen she was 35, she lost her husband in an accident. Then, she leads her life with her daughter. She has no in come source, nothing to do, nothing to eat and no sources to drink safe water. As she did not own a tube well, she had to carry water from others home. As a old woman, It was very pathetic to her. After getting the tube well she feels happy that she can use water very easily as she wants. It also ensured her water, sanitation and hygiene security.

The Rohingya people came to Bangladesh with empty pockets. They suffered untold suffering on the way to reach here. Besides, reaching here they also faced many kinds of problems. They had nothing to do, no where to go and nothing to eat. They faced problems in sanitation & hygiene services. As a result, they suffered from various diseases. In this response, AMAN implemented shower & latrine projects in Rohingya camp. The programs ensure sanitation & hygiene supports to the helpless Rohingya people.

AMAN's Sanitation and Hygiene Initiatives for Rohingya Refugees

The Rohingya people came to Bangladesh with empty pockets. They suffered untold suffering on the way to reach here. Besides, reaching here they also faced many kinds of problems. They had nothing to do, no where to go and nothing to eat. They faced problems in sanitation & hygiene services. As a result, they suffered from various diseases. In this response, AMAN implemented shower & latrine projects in Rohingya camp. The programs ensure sanitation & hygiene supports to the helpless Rohingya people.


  1. 9600 People including children, men, and women got Latrine and Shower services.
  2. Prevent waterborne diseases.
  3. People in the remote areas got water, sanitation, and hygiene service.
  4. The displaced Rohingya people got the proper services.

Future plan

  1. Awareness will be created among the general people and they practicing
  2. The rate of water born disease will be decreased
  3. All people will drink safe drinking water and use the sanitary latrines and health practices are developed
  4. Aware the People of the effect of arsenic.

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Association for Mass Advancement Network (AMAN) is a non-profit development organization established in 1995.

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AMAN is a non-profit development organization engaged in human welfare. Since its inception, the organization has been striving towards poverty alleviation & socio-economic and moral development..

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